Thursday, April 28, 2011

Passing Gherkin intent to BIM through C#

This is a second phase from the previous posts looking at how the relationship between Revit & C#.

Optimizing form & construction of the first attempt is the main focus of this exploration
 The coding & arguments generated in C# will be executed through the conceptual mass family of Revit.


Above is the original parametric relationship of the profile used in the previous form generation.
The embedded conditional statement generated was translated & adjusted for C#.  

A format for Revit API functions was scripted. Essentially, the main functions are to initial a transaction, create the points, generate the curve, revolve the mass & end transaction. 

Mass generation was shifted from repeated floor profiles to a revolved silhouette and tectonic study closely focuses on surface construction. 
Mass generation was shifted from repeated floor profiles to a revolved silhouette and tectonic study closely focuses on surface construction. 

Bringing the C# coding for the Parabola & Ellipse class for Revit execution.

    Translating the original relationship into #C became the starting point for generating an optimal form. 

Beginning with ellipsoidal silhouette as massing basis

added K point (nertical) translation for desired point of cirvature
Removal of extraneous points to generate profile to be revolved

After the ellipsoid profile is generated through C# array & calculations, an argument generates a revolve axis to form a revolved mass in Revit.

Due to the construction of the array, the mass only revolves halfway; this is easily corrected through the element properties of the mass.

From here, the form is subdivided & the structure & panel pattern families are added, building the Gherkin.